Lent Events Lent Events to Help You Grow In Christ

  • Wednesday Morning Eucharist and Book Discussion, 6:30 a.m., Eucharist from the New Zealand Prayerbook with homilies by parishioners, light breakfast and book discussion.
  • Tuesday Evening Contemplative Prayer, every Tuesday at 7 p.m., in the Upper Room. Spiritual Director Karen Goran leads this exploration of varieties of Christian prayer.
  • Men Seeking God, a spirituality support group for men, meets at 6:30 p.m., third Tuesday of each month in members’ homes. 
  • Women’s Bible Study, meets the second Friday morning of the month from 9:30 - 11:30 in the Upper Room. 
  • Prayer at Home, meets the second Saturday evening at 6:30 p.m. each month in parishioner’s homes for dinner and evening prayer. 
  • Wednesday’s Women, a women’s spirituality group, meets the first Wednesday of every month at Linda Barnhurst’s home. 
  • Intercessory Prayer, meets in the Upper Room every Wednesday morning at 9:30 to pray with special intention for those in our own community and the world as a whole. 
  • Sts. Aelred and Hildegard LGBT Ministry meets in the members’ homes the third Sunday of each monty at 6 p.m. for Evening Prayer and a potluck dinner.
Also read more about our Lenten Food Challenge!

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