Junior Warden Report

Dear Messiah Parishioner,

2011 is a very important year for this congregation as we prepare for Father Brad’s retirement in October. As part of that preparation your Vestry is focusing upon six broad areas: Finance, Facilities, Church Growth, Christian Formation, Parish Life, and Transition. Here is an overview of those areas and special emphases for 2011, with names of Vestry members who are working to achieve those goals.

Finance goal (Glenn Howard): to increase our financial resources and assure their effective stewardship. This area includes not only Stewardship and Planned Giving but this year also a close look at Messiah’s financial practices and procedures to see that they are up to date and accurately followed. In the fall we will also need to fund a search for a new rector and to pay for both an interim rector and our current Associate Rector, Carolyn Estrada.  Your generosity in the fall stewardship campaign will be essential.

Facilities goal (Jim Sperber, Peggy Patterson, Nancy Whitehead; Lorna Adkins, Columbarium): to ensure regular and long-term care of our physical plant, including this beautiful historic church with its old-age creaks and leaks and need for constant patching. This year it is also Fr. Brad’s hope that we will complete our Columbarium fund drive (we’re over halfway there!) so that the planned Columbarium at the back of the church will be underway before he departs.

Church Growth goal (Mark Hendrickson, website; Cécile Whiting, Ken Kawamura): to develop an awareness of Messiah in order to draw people in. Only thereby can we ensure the future vitality of this parish. A crucial component of that goal is the redesign of Messiah’s Website, which will go live in April. Not only will our website be an easy way for newcomers to find us and to know who’s who and what’s going on here, but it will allow for on-line payments and donations and will have links to outside resources such as a lectionary and Bible browser. This website will also be an important way for prospective rector candidates to recognize all that Messiah has to offer. 

Christian formation goal (Larry Budner, adults; Stephanie Miller, children and families): to facilitate programs for the spiritual formation of adults and children. In Adult Education the 2011-2012 outline of programs to be held between or after Sunday services has been developed. In addition to Sunday School, the emphasis for children and families will be the incorporation of special children’s activities at all parish events and the creation of a series of family events. We need to continue to make Messiah family-friendly, for young families are Messiah’s future.

Parish Life goal (Isabel Mata, Peggy Patterson): to oversee parish events, including the procurement of event chair (person s and communication of job description/needs. In order to keep up a full calendar of those parish events we all enjoy, we need each of you to step forward to help. In return the Vestry is working to see that you have a current “job description” for your event.

Transition goal (Dee Tucker, Sr. Warden; Lorna Adkins, Jr. Warden; Ken Kawamura; Nancy Whitehead, Rector Search Committee chair): to develop (and utilize) written systems with authority and accountability to increase lay leadership. Accordingly, the Vestry committee members are painstakingly reviewing the office Policy and Procedure Manual and all other written guidelines, procedures, and policies that a new rector or an interim or a lay leader will need to know. We don’t want the entire how-to’s that are stored in Fr. Brad’s head to remain there and to leave with him when he retires! In addition, we are working hard to find lay leaders to take responsibility for areas often left to the clergy so that Messiah will remain a stable community during the coming period of transition.

Together WE are the church here at Messiah, where “all are welcome at God’s table.” Your Vestry invites YOU to share your time and talents in the challenging year ahead.

Lorna Adkins, Jr. Warden

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