November's Journal Entry from the Nicaragua 13

Wow.. what amazing people there are at Messiah and so much to be thankful for ......  Danny McKee for the beauty products and services from Bushire Salon...the winner of the drawing was Claire Stoneman - she is already beautiful but will enjoy a day relaxing and getting ready for Christmas.  Esther and Frank Lopez for the weekend in Palm Springs...the winner of the drawing was Rosario Casares - the whole family is so excited and will have a fun weekend at the beautiful resort.  THANK YOU to all who participated and for supporting this medical mission trip.  We raised almost $1000 with this event.  Everyone has been so wonderful and the entire Nicaragua team appreciates the generosity of the Messiah family. 
Now we are in the final preparations for the trip and will begin packing the dental, school and craft supplies that we are taking with us.  We are planning many fun activities for the children in addition to the health screening we will be doing with the medical team in Nicaragua... and we are getting excited.

by Carol Harvey

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