Parish History Day

Former Librarian of Congress Daniel Boorstin once said: “Trying to plan for the future without a sense of the past is like trying to plant cut flowers.”

Every Sunday, we hear stories from Scripture about God’s people being called by God to new journeys and experiences. A parish History Day is an opportunity for a parish community to come together to tell the story of God’s call to the parish in the parish’s past journeys and experiences.

On March 3rd, 2012, from 9 a.m. to after lunch – when the every person has a chance to share their story, “History Day” will come to Messiah. During the History Day festivities, and in the days and weeks leading up to History Day, members will be invited to share their memories and perceptions of the life of the parish, and how God has been present at Messiah and in their own lives. On History Day, Father Mark Stuart will lead an interactive activity regarding those shared memories and perceptions. Each and every member of Messiah, from the longest term member to the newest, has something to share and add to the History Day discussion. The purpose is not only to share the historical record, but also to gather different perspectives and personal experiences of that history. Therefore, your participation is needed! Please set aside March 3rd on your calendar for this exciting event as we prepare for the future of our parish family. Once we have shared the past with each other we are better prepared to discern where God may be leading us in the future.

Nancy Whitehead

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