Advent & Christmas at Messiah

December 1
First Sunday of Advent
The Rector preaches at 8:00am and 10:15am.
The Rev. Jennifer Hughes preaches at 12:00pm.

Advent Family Workshop at 4:00pm
All invited to come and make Advent wreaths, bake cookies and do crafts for Christmas.

December 4, 11 & 18
Advent Morning Eucharist and Discussion at 6:30am
Service led by lay people. All are welcome. After the service people gather for breakfast and discussion.

December 8
Second Sunday of Advent
The Rector preaches at all services.

Advent Festival of Lessons & Carols at 6:00pm
This service features candlelight, readings, carols, and hymns, and is one of the most beautiful of all Anglican liturgies. After the service, a Victorian Christmas-themed reception will take place in the Parish Hall.

December 12
Guadalupe Service at 7:00pm
A bilingual service with red roses, candle procession and traditional Mexican music.

December 15
Third Sunday of Advent
The Rector preaches at 8:00am and 10:15am.
The Rev. Jennifer Hughes preaches at 12:00pm.

December 21
Las Posadas at 5:30pm
The Posadas re-enact Mary and Joseph’s cold and difficult journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem in search of shelter; in Spanish the word means “lodging.” Participants will sing, pray and walk to three homes and return to church for the conclusion. Refreshments and party follows.

December 22
Fourth Sunday of Advent
The Rev. Jim Lee preaches at 8:00am and 10:15am.
The Rector preaches at 12:00pm.

December 24
Christmas Eve Family Service at 4:00pm
A child-friendly service
re-enacting the nativity story. Children of all ages are welcome.

Choral Prelude at 9:15pm
Michelle Temple, harpist with the Pacific Symphony joins the choir led by Dr. David Sheridan in presenting Benjamin Britten’s beautiful piece, A Ceremony of Carols.

Festive Christmas Eve Eucharist at 10:00pm
A festive Eucharist. The Rector preaches.

December 25
Christmas Day Service at 10:00am
The Rev. Jim Lee preaches.

December 29
First Sunday after Christmas
The Rector preaches at all services.

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