The retirement of our beloved, long-standing pastor, the Reverend Canon Brad Karelius in October of 2011 brings a tear to our eye and a challenge to the Vestry and congregation. The search process is on and we have a lot of gratifying work to do. Keep an eye on this page as all updates will be posted here as quickly as possible. Here follows a letter from our Senior Warden, Dee Tucker:
September 20, 2010
Dear Messiah parishioner,
"What is happening with the rector search?" "When will you be interviewing candidates?" These are questions we have been hearing the past few weeks. In talking with other churches and the diocese, your Jr. Warden, Lorna Adkins, and I have been counseled not to rush the process. Calling a new rector is a spiritual undertaking which, if done thoughtfully, will provide an invaluable opportunity for the entire parish to review and restate the hopes, dreams, and needs of Messiah.
But the long process has begun! The Vestry has approved the Profile Committee, chaired by Kitty Crary, which will develop a parish survey. We will all be asked what excites us most about Messiah. What are our strengths? areas that need attention? Using this information, the committee will produce a profile of the parish and of the future rector. Please participate when asked!
The Vestry has also approved a Compensation Committee to develop a financial package for the new rector and a budget for the search process, including travel expenses for committee members and final candidates. Bob Ward has agreed to chair this segment of our process.
Karen Goran, our spiritual director for the process, has written a prayer that is shared here in the form of a card. Please use this prayer daily as we know prayer makes a difference!
Only after the profile and compensation work is complete will the Vestry select the Search Committee. We anticipate that the actual search for a new rector will begin next spring. We do not know how long that process may take. We ask for your patience and faith in the process.
Many of you have asked, “What about Carolyn Estrada?” Lorna and I have conferred with her at length and have determined that she would be very willing to continue serving at Messiah. We are in discussion with the diocese regarding the exact role that Carolyn will play in the transition.
We thank you for your continued life-giving participation in this parish and for your prayers. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact any Vestry member or chairs of the committees.
And we ask one more thing: that each of you helps to make Father Brad’s last year his best ever!
Blessings to you,
Dee Tucker, Sr. Warden
Please offer prayers for the work of the Search Committee
Profile Committee:
Kitty Crary, chair
Angela Casares
Peggy Connery
Cov Davis
Beca Westerman Hendrickson
Royal Lord
Tony Miller
Richard O'Neill
Maria Rodriguez
Nicole Stults
Cecile Whiting (Vestry liaison)
Compensation Committee:
Bob Ward, Chair
Len Hightower
David Sonksen
David Stoneman
Lorna Adkins (Vestry liaison)
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